Science Catalog 2012 Life Maxwell® 16 Service and Support Product Maxwell® 16 Premier Warranty Maxwell® 16 Standard Service Agreement Maxwell® 16 Premier Service Agreement Maxwell® 16 Preventative Maintenance Maxwell® 16 Installation Qualification Maxwell® 16 Operational Qualification Maxwell® 16 Installation and Operational Qualification Size Cat.# Price (Fr) 1 each SA2000 2730.00 1 each SA2010 3080.00 1 each SA2015 4620.00 1 each SA2020 770.00 1 each SA1001 1400.00 1 each SA1011 2800.00 1 each SA1021 3500.00 SA2000, SA2010, SA2015, SA2020 For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures. Description: The Standard Warranty, included in the system price, covers all parts, labor and shipping to and from our depot repair location as well as a loaner instrument upon request. The loaner will be shipped via standard ground shipment and will arrive in 5 to 7 working days. We will repair your instrument and return it to you performing to original factory specifications. The Premier Warranty (SA2000) covers all parts, labor and shipping to and from our depot repair location as well as your choice of a loaner instrument within 1 working day or on-site repair by a factory-trained service technician. We will repair your instrument and return it to you performing to original factory specifications. It also includes one preventive maintenance visit. The Standard Service Agreement (SA2010) covers all parts, labor and shipping to and from our depot repair location as well as a loaner instrument upon request. The loaner will be shipped via standard ground shipment and will arrive in 5 to 7 working days. If your Maxwell® 16 Instrument needs repair, we will provide a box for shipment of the instrument back to our service facility. We will repair it and return it to you performing to original factory specifications. The Premier Service Agreement (SA2015) includes all parts, labor and shipping to and from our depot repair location as well as your choice of a loaner instrument within 1 working day or on-site repair by a factory-trained service technician. You can utilize our depot repair and receive a loaner instrument in one working day or you can elect to have one of our service technicians service it in your lab. Additionally, it includes one annual preventive maintenance visit per year. In order to keep the system operating at peak performance, Promega recommends that Maxwell® 16 Instruments receive a Preventive Maintenance (SA2020) check after 12 months of use. During this procedure, our qualified service personnel test the instrument, check parts for wear and replace them as needed. Additionally, the system is aligned and performance is verified. Documentation for your files is provided. The preventive maintenance service is performed by returning the instrument to the factory. The Installation Qualification (SA1001) provides a series of formal on-site instrument checks, delivers written documentation of instrument functionality, and demonstrates that everything ordered with your instrument is supplied and installed in your laboratory. Upon delivery to the lab, the instrument and its components will be visually inspected and reviewed for completeness. Following the inspection, the instrument will be powered on to confirm that the system is properly functional. The Operational Qualification (SA1011) demonstrates that the Maxwell® 16 will function according to its operational specifications. An instrument specialist will check the instrument’s alignment and then perform an operational test run to ensure that all of the hardware modules function correctly. Following the documentation of these tests, familiarization training with the instrument’s operators will occur. The specialist will also explain all of the sections of the instrument log book. The Installation and Operational Qualification package (SA1021) includes all of the components from both SA1001 and SA1011 in one service product. Features: • Multiple Options to Meet Your Needs: Allows you to select the warranty coverage or service agreement that best meets the needs of your lab. • Factory-Trained Specialists: Ensures your instrument is repaired quickly and effectively. • Expert Technical Service: Promega experts can help you solve problems quickly. • Fixed-Cost Service Products: Predictable support expenditures. • Ongoing System Documentation: Allows Audit tracing and compliance. ReliaPrep™ LV 32 HSM Instrument ReliaPrep™ Large Volume HT gDNA Isolation System Product ReliaPrep™ LV 32 HSM Instrument ReliaPrep™ LV 32 HSM Standard Service Agreement ReliaPrep™ Cover ReliaPrep™ Tube Rack ReliaPrep™ Tube Rack Stand Size Cat.# Price (Fr) 1 each A1715 Pls. Enq. 1 each SA3070 Pls. Enq. 1 each A1712 180.00 1 each A1713 416.00 1 each A1714 304.00 A1715, SA3070, A1712, A1713, A1714 For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures. Product may not be available in all countries. Please contact your local representative for more information. Description: The ReliaPrep™ Large Volume Heater Shaker Magnet Instrument (ReliaPrep™ LV 32 HSM) is designed to perform all of the functions necessary for the processing of magnetic resin-based purifications in common 50ml conical tubes. With its ability to heat, shake and apply a magnetic field, the ReliaPrep™ LV 32 HSM Instrument provides all-in-one processing capabilities for a variety of large volume purification chemistries in either a manual or automated format. The instrument uses standard 50ml conical tubes, magnets and reagent-based paramagnetic particles (PMPs). The PMPs provide a mobile solid phase that optimizes capture, washing and elution of biological target molecules. Initially designed to run the Promega ReliaPrep™ Large Volume HT gDNA Isolation System (Cat.# A1751), the ReliaPrep™ LV 32 HSM Instrument is supplied with preprogrammed isolation methods for processing up to 32 samples of human whole blood in approximately 2–3.5 hours, depending on sample type and number. Samples are processed in a semi-automated method with the user dispensing and aspirating reagents from the samples as directed by the LCD screen. The programmed methods instruct the instrument when to apply shaking, heating and magnetic forces to the sample tubes for cell lysis, capture and elution of DNA. The ReliaPrep™ LV 32 HSM Instruments can be controlled simultaneously on a robotic liquid handling workstation to fully automate processing of blood samples. The number of samples per instrument run depends on the number of Heater Shaker Magnets (HSMs) integrated. Each HSM is able to accommodate 1-32 samples. In both manual and automated processing, high-quality and high-yield DNA is obtained for direct use in a variety of downstream analytical applications. The ReliaPrep™ LV 32 HSM Instrument is designed for use in combination with the ReliaPrep™ Large Volume HT gDNA Isolation System for the isolation of genomic DNA from 3, 6, or 10ml of human whole blood. When controlled by a robotic liquid handling workstation, the ReliaPrep™ DNA isolation chemistry is scalable for samples from 3–10ml. While designed to work with the ReliaPrep™ Large Volume HT gDNA Isolation System, the ReliaPrep™ LV 32 HSM Instrument has applicability to a variety of large volume paramagnetic resinbased purification chemistries. Use of this instrument with chemistries other than the ReliaPrep™ Large Volume HT gDNA Isolation System may require development and optimization of manual or automated methods by the user. Protocol ReliaPrep™LV HSM Instrument Technical Manual Part# TM326 194 For complete and up-to-date product information visit: Pagina 197
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