Cell Signaling Maxwell® 16 System RNA Purification Kits Product Maxwell® 16 LEV simplyRNA Cells Kit Maxwell® 16 LEV simplyRNA Tissue Kit Maxwell® 16 Total RNA Purification Kit Maxwell® 16 Tissue LEV Total RNA Purification Kit Maxwell® 16 Viral Total Nucleic Acid Purification System Available Separately Maxwell® 16 High Strength LEV Magnetic Rod and Plunger Bar Adaptor 1 each SP1070 1200.00 AS1270, AS1280, AS1050, AS1220, AS1225 For Laboratory Use. SP1070 For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures. Cat.# AS1155 CE-marked IVD medical device compliant with EU Directive 98/79/EC on in vitro diagnostic medical devices. This product is only available in certain European countries. Description: The Maxwell® 16 LEV simplyRNA Cells Kit and the Maxwell® 16 LEV simplyRNA Tissue Kit are for use with the Maxwell® 16 Instrument configured with the LEV High Strength Magnetic Rod and Plunger Bar Adaptor. This RNA purification procedure is a simple method with minimal lysate handling before automated purification on the Maxwell® 16 Instrument. The low elution volume is used to generate concentrated high-quality RNA suitable for use in downstream applications such as quantitative RT-PCR. The kit provides the reagents for processing the samples and uses prefilled cartridges for purification, maximizing simplicity and convenience. The Maxwell® 16 Total RNA Purification Kit, Maxwell® 16 Tissue LEV Total RNA Purification Kit and Maxwell® 16 Cell LEV Total RNA Purification Kit are designed for use with the Maxwell® 16 Instrument in either the standard or low elution volume (LEV) configuration. The kits provide high-quality, essentially DNA-free total RNA using novel approaches to selectively remove genomic DNA prior to automated RNA purification. You get enhanced sensitivity and improved confidence in your results for quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR), RT-PCR, cDNA synthesis and other applications. The simple protocols require adding a cleared lysate to the reagent cartridge. Simply place the reagent cartridge into the Maxwell® 16 Instrument, and press start. Purified RNA is obtained in less than 45 minutes of hands-free instrument operation. No post-purification treatment with nuclease, cleanup or concentration is required to achieve superior performance in downstream applications. The Maxwell® 16 Total RNA Purification Kits are General Purpose Medical Devices (GPR) in the USA. Visit: www.promega.com/maxwell16/ for up-todate information. Features: • Enjoy Confidence in Your Application Results: Essentially undetectable contaminating genomic DNA means fewer repeated experiments and unexplained or variable results. • Choose Your Sample Type: Flexibility to purify from tissue, cells, blood and other samples. • Achieve High Yield and High Concentration: High yields and highconcentration total RNA result in better performance in gene expression analysis applications. M1 23 45 67 89 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Size Cat.# Price (Fr) 48 preps AS1270 350.00 48 preps AS1280 350.00 48 preps AS1050 425.00 48 preps AS1220 425.00 Maxwell® 16 Cell LEV Total RNA Purification Kit 48 preps AS1225 425.00 48 preps AS1155 490.00 M1 23 45 67 89 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 No detectable cross-contamination. Sixteen purification reactions were performed using an input of 25mg of mouse liver lysate (odd lanes) or SV RNA Lysis Buffer alone (even lanes). Panel A. Four-microliter aliquots of each purified sample were resolved by 1.2% agarose gel electrophoresis under denaturing conditions. Lane M, RNA Markers (Cat.# G3191). Panel B. Equivalent volumes (1μl) of each sample were amplified by endpoint RT-PCR using a primer pair specific for a portion of beta actin RNA. A total of five microliters of each amplification reaction was analyzed by 1.2% agarose gel electrophoresis and visualized by ethidium bromide staining. Lane M, 1kb DNA Ladder (Cat.# G5711). simplyRNA TISSUE kidney brain heart lung spleen liver HEK293 HeLa Jurkat CELLS 28S 18S 5S 10001TA 11 Intact RNA Extracted from Tissue Using the Maxwell® 16 LEV simplyRNA Tissue Kit. Extracted tissue samples were run on a FlashGel® System for 5 minutes and signal developed for 15 minutes. The 28S, 18S and 5S are clearly visible indicating intact RNA. For complete and up-to-date product information visit: www.promega.com/catalog 199 Molecular Diagnostics 5967TB Pagina 202
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