Cell Signaling Reagents for Molecular Diagnostics Labs GoTaq® MDx Hot Start Polymerase Product GoTaq® MDx Hot Start Polymerase Size Cat.# Price (Fr) 100 u D6001 107.00 500 u D6005 388.00 2,500 u D6006 1746.00 10,000 u D6008 Pls. Enq. For Laboratory Use. Description: GoTaq® MDx Hot Start Polymerase contains the high-performance GoTaq® DNA Polymerase bound to a proprietary antibody that blocks polymerase activity. The polymerase activity is restored during the initial denaturation step when the amplification reactions are heated at 94–95°C for two minutes. The system is supplied with a tube of 25mM MgCl2, allowing optimization of the magnesium concentration in your reactions. It is also supplied with 5X Green GoTaq® Flexi Buffer and 5X Colorless GoTaq® Flexi Buffer. The buffers contain a compound that increases sample density, so that samples sink easily into the wells of an agarose gel. The green buffer also contains two dyes (yellow and blue) that separate to allow easy monitoring during electrophoresis. Use the green reaction buffer for direct-to-gel analysis after amplification and the colorless reaction buffer for amplifications where the dyes may interfere with post-amplification analysis such as fluorescence or absorbance testing. GoTaq® MDx Hot Start Polymerase is a general purpose reagent that can be used for clinical applications or as a component of molecular diagnostic assays without paying royalties. The products by themselves do not provide any diagnostic result. Features: The proven robust amplification of GoTaq® MDx Hot Start Polymerase is now available for use in diagnostics and clinical applications: • Easy: Convenient handling with room temperature setup. • Fast: Results with only two-minute enzyme activation. • Enhanced: Yield, sensitivity and specificity with an antibody hot start. • Ready: High-quality product developed for integration into Laboratory Developed Tests and homebrew assays. To use GoTaq® MDx Hot Start Polymerase in a custom format for diagnostic assays or to distribute GoTaq® MDx Hot Start Polymerase, please contact the Promega Custom Order Department to discuss specific requirements. Storage Conditions: Store at –20°C. Protocol GoTaq® MDx Hot Start Polymerase Product Information Part# 9PID600 Set of dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP GoScript™ Reverse Transcriptase Product GoScript™ Reverse Transcriptase For Laboratory Use. Description: GoScript™ Reverse Transcriptase utilizes M-MLV and state-ofthe-art buffer technology designed for qPCR to deliver robust, reliable cDNA synthesis of a full range of rare and abundant transcripts, even in the presence of inhibitors. GoScript™ Reverse Transcriptase is qualified for use in qPCR, including GoTaq® qPCR and Plexor® qPCR systems for performing RT-qPCR. Features: • Ultra-Active: Save money on every reaction. • Sensitive: Detect rare transcripts. • Processive: Transcribe long messages. • Resilient: Synthesize cDNA in the presence of strong inhibitors. • Replaces Superscript® I, II, III and other RTs. Storage Conditions: Store at –20°C. GoScript™ Reverse Transcription System Product GoScript™ Reverse Transcription System For Laboratory Use. For additional information see page 213. Deoxynucleotide Triphosphates (dNTPs) Product dATP dGTP dCTP dTTP Size Conc. Cat.# Price (Fr) 25 µmol 100 mM U1205 97.00 40 µmol 100 mM U1201 156.00 200 µmol 100 mM U1202 585.00 25 µmol 100 mM U1215 97.00 40 µmol 100 mM U1211 156.00 200 µmol 100 mM U1212 585.00 25 µmol 100 mM U1225 97.00 40 µmol 100 mM U1221 156.00 200 µmol 100 mM U1222 585.00 25 µmol 100 mM U1235 97.00 40 µmol 100 mM U1231 156.00 200 µmol 100 mM U1232 585.00 10µmol each 100 mM U1330 156.00 25 µmol each 100 mM U1420 305.00 40µmol each 100 mM U1240 468.00 200 µmol 100 mM U1410 1872.00 For Laboratory Use. Description: High-quality deoxynucleotide triphosphates (dNTPs) are critical for the success of many key procedures such as cDNA synthesis, sequencing and labeling. Promega dNTPs are greater than 99% triphosphate content and are provided at a concentration of 100mM in water at pH 7.5. Storage Conditions: Store at –30°C to –10°C. Size Cat.# Price (Fr) 50 reactions A5000 461.00 100 reactions A5001 875.00 Size Cat.# Price (Fr) 100 reactions A5003 362.00 500 reactions A5004 1539.00 11 For complete and up-to-date product information visit: www.promega.com/catalog 201 Molecular Diagnostics Pagina 204

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