Science Catalog 2012 Life Cell Signaling HaloTEV Protease Product HaloTEV Protease Size Conc. Cat.# Price (Fr) 1,000 u 5 u/µl G6601 190.00 4,000 u 5 u/µl G6602 570.00 For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures. Description: HaloTEV Protease is a fusion between the HaloTag® protein and TEV protease, a highly specific proteolytic enzyme that cleaves at a specific TEV site, a specific seven-amino-acid sequence (ENLYFQ(G/S)). HaloTEV Protease allows for covalent immobilization on HaloLink™ Resin and removal from a cleavage reaction in a single-step purification. The covalent capture of HaloTEV Protease improves purity of the final target protein. Features: • Improve Final Protein Purity: Covalently remove HaloTEV from your purified protein with HaloLink™ Resin. • Optimized for HaloTag® Purifications: Proteins can be purified tag-free in a single step as the HaloLink™ Resin will bind both HaloTEV and the HaloTag® protein tag. Storage Conditions: Store at –20°C. HaloLink™ Resin Product HaloLink™ Resin Size Cat.# Price (Fr) 1.25 ml G1912 124.00 2.5 ml G1913 225.00 10 ml G1914 540.00 25 ml G1915 945.00 For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures. Description: The HaloLink™ Resin provides a method for covalent and oriented attachment of HaloTag® fusion proteins onto a solid surface. The resin consists of a HaloTag® ligand bound to Sepharose® beads that specifically and rapidly binds HaloTag® fusion proteins. HaloLink™ Resin has high binding capacity. Due to covalent linkage, HaloTag® fusion proteins cannot be eluted from the resin, allowing extensive washing to remove nonspecifically bound protein without the danger of eluting HaloTag® fusion proteins. The binding rate is very rapid and equivalent to biotin-streptavidin. The HaloLink™ Resin can be used in a variety of applications including: detection and analysis of protein:protein interactions (in vivo and in vitro), detection of enzymatic activity of immobilized HaloTag® fusions and one-step purification of fusion protein in conjunction with proteolytic cleavage. A variety of vectors for the expression of HaloTag® fusion proteins in bacterial, mammalian or cell-free systems are available. Please see the HaloTag® Technology Products page for more information. The HaloTag® technology offers a quick and convenient way to test protein expression of HaloTag® fusion proteins as well as monitor the efficiency of immobilization to HaloLink™ Resin by labeling with fluorescent HaloTag® TMR Ligand followed by SDS-PAGE analysis. Guidelines can be found in the HaloLink™ Resin Technical Manual #TM250. Features: • Covalent Attachment: Enables stringent washing, minimizing nonspecific background without dissociation of bound HaloTag® fusion proteins. • Fast Binding Kinetics: Enhances the detection of protein:protein interactions and enables binding of proteins at low concentrations. • Oriented Immobilization: Allows maximal enzyme activity of bound protein. • High Binding Capacity: One milliliter of settled resin binds >7mg of HaloTag® fusion proteins. Storage Conditions: Store at 4°C. Protocol HaloLink™ Resin Technical Manual A. B. c-jun HaloTag®-fusion (c-fos) HaloTag® ligand Surface HaloTag® ligand Surface Detection of protein:protein interactions using the HaloLink™ Resin. Panel A. HaloTag® fusion protein (bait, HaloTag® c-fos) is expressed in TNT® T7 Quick Coupled Transcription/Translation System and immobilized to the HaloLink™ Resin. The partner (prey) c-jun is expressed in TNT® reactions and mixed with the immobilized HaloTag® c-fos and allowed to bind. Panel B. Both interacting partners, bait and prey HaloTag® fusions are expressed in individual TNT® reactions, mixed and allowed to bind; then the HaloLink™ Resin is added, and the complex is captured. c-jun HaloTag®-fusion (c-fos) Part# TM250 248 For complete and up-to-date product information visit: 5308TB Pagina 251

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