Science Catalog 2012 Life Cell Signaling Monster Green® Fluorescent Protein phMGFP Vector Product Size Cat.# Price (Fr) Monster Green® Fluorescent Protein phMGFP Vector 20 µg E6421 1018.00 For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures. For additional information see page 280. BglII ori Ampr phMGFP Vector (4707bp) Intron T7 Enhancer/Promoter NcoI CMV I. E. Bst98I PstI Bst98I XmaI/SmaI NcoI NheI EcoRV SV40 Late poly(A) NotI XbaI NaeI Product pGEM®-3Z Vector For additional information see page 99. Subcloning and Transcription Vectors pBR322 Vector Product pBR322 Vector Size Conc. Cat.# Price (Fr) 10 µg 1 µg/µl D1511 116.00 For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures. Description: The plasmid pBR322 Vector (4,361bp) carries the genes for tetracycline and ampicillin resistance. pBR322 DNA digests typically are used as molecular weight size markers in gel analysis of nucleic acids. Storage Conditions: Store at –20°C. PstI 3611 PvuI 3736 ScaI 3846 Ampr ori PvuII 2066 (4,361bp) pBR322 Vector EcoRI 4359 HindIII 29 Tetr StyI 1369 BstZI 939 SalI 651 EcoRV 187 BamHI 375 SphI 566 XmnI 1937 ScaI 1818 Ampr pGEM®-3Z Vector (2,743bp) SspI 2142 AatII 2260 NdeI 2509 T7 NarI 2561 lacZ EcoRI SacI KpnI AvaI XmaI SmaI BamHI XbaI SalI AccI HincII PstI SphI ori HindIII SP6 15 21 21 21 23 26 32 38 39 40 48 54 56 69 1 start 5 Size Cat.# Price (Fr) 20 µg P2151 186.00 ori hMGFP pGEM® and pSP Subcloning Vectors Product pGEM®-11Zf(+) Vector pGEM®-11Zf(–) Vector For additional information see page 102. AatII 2284 XmnI 1961 ScaI 1842 Ampr f1 ori pGEM®-11Zf(+/–) Vectors (3,221bp) NdeI 2533 Size Cat.# Price (Fr) 20 µg P2411 238.00 20 µg P2421 238.00 T7 SfiI lacZ SacI EcoRI SalI XhoI 1 start BamHI ApaI XbaI NotI SphI NsiI HindIII SP6 17 27 29 35 41 47 57 59 67 76 78 80 93 308 For complete and up-to-date product information visit: 3898MA11_2A 0270VA05_2A 0278VA05_4A 0290VA05_4A Pagina 311
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