igh-Quality sues A. 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 0 710152 × 15 Elution Volume (µl) 20 A Fast, Simple Method Concentrated RNA from Minimal Sample Inputs A. B. B. 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 25 50 75 0 710152 × 15 Elution Volume (µl) 20 Yield and concentration of RNA with varying elution volume. RNA was isolated from 100,000 HeLa Cells and eluted with various volumes from 7–30 (2 × 15) μl using the ReliaPrep™ RNA Cell Miniprep System. Panel A. Average yield. Panel B. Average concentration. Recovery was measured by absorbance spectroscopy. Average Concentration (ng/µl) Percent recovery ReliaPrep™ columns have the advantage of reduced elution volume, more efficient removal of contaminants, and higher purity of eluted RNA. See More Data Information Ordering enews | Fall 2013 Average Yield (µg) Average Concentration (ng/µl) 61 76 85 86 100 Pagina 12
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