Science Catalog 2012 Life Cell Signaling Access RT-PCR System Product Access RT-PCR Introductory System Access RT-PCR System Size Cat.# Price (Fr) 20 reactions A1260 195.00 100 reactions A1250 756.00 500 reactions A1280 3024.00 For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures. Description: The Access RT-PCR System is designed for reverse transcription (RT) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of a specific target RNA from either total RNA or mRNA. This one-tube, two-enzyme system provides sensitive, quick, and reproducible analysis of even rare RNAs. The system uses AMV Reverse Transcriptase (AMV RT) from Avian Myeloblastosis Virus for first-strand DNA synthesis and the thermostable Tfl DNA Polymerase from Thermus flavus for second-strand cDNA synthesis and DNA amplification. The Access RT-PCR System includes an optimized single-buffer system that permits extremely sensitive detection of RNA transcripts, without a requirement for buffer additions between the reverse transcription and PCR amplification steps. This simplifies the procedure and reduces the potential for contaminating the samples. In addition, the improved performance of AMV Reverse Transcriptase at elevated temperatures in AMV/Tfl 5X Reaction Buffer minimizes problems encountered with secondary structures in RNA. Features: • Achieve Maximum Control: Separate tubes of each component allow you to control every step of the reaction. You can optimize Mg2+, perform no-reverse transcriptase control reactions, etc. • Use Less Template: Detect message from as little as 1pg of total RNA or mRNA. • No Buffer Additions Required: The AMV/Tfl 5X Reaction Buffer provides results in optimal enzyme activity without buffer additions between the reverse transcription and DNA amplification steps. • Rely on a Performance-Tested System: Promega PCR Systems, enzymes and reagents are proven in PCR to ensure reliable, highperformance results. If you are not completely satisfied with any Promega PCR product, we will send a replacement or refund your account. • Choose Your Configuration: Learn more about our custom options for this product at: Storage Conditions: Store all system components at –20°C. For long-term storage, the Positive Control RNA with Carrier must be stored at –70°C. Protocol Access RT-PCR System Technical Bulletin Part# TB220 Features of Access and AccessQuick™ RT-PCR Systems. Access RT-PCR System Maximum Control Components Individual tubes of Tfl DNA Polymerase, AMV RT, dNTPs Mg2+ Concentration Controls Included and reaction buffer Adjustable Yes AccessQuick™ RT-PCR System Maximum Convenience Tfl DNA Polymerase, dNTPs and reaction buffer combined in master mix. AMV RT in separate tube 1.5mM No 9478LA Template RNA Gene-specific primers Access RT-PCR System Polymerase dNTPs Tfl DNA AMV/Tfl Buffer 5X MgSO4 Transcriptase Reverse AMV AccessQuick™ RT-PCR System AccessQuick™ Master Mix Separate AMV RT allows all-important no-RT control reaction Transcriptase Reverse AMV One-Step RT-PCR 218 For complete and up-to-date product information visit: 3777MA07_2A Pagina 221
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