Science Catalog 2012 Life Cell Signaling HaloTag® Fusion (N-Terminal) Mammalian Expression Vectors Product pHTN HaloTag® CMV-neo Vector pFN28A HaloTag® CMV-neo Flexi® Vector pFN28K HaloTag® CMV-neo Flexi® Vector pFN21A HaloTag® CMV Flexi® Vector pFN21K HaloTag® CMV Flexi® Vector pFN22A HaloTag® CMVd1 Flexi® Vector pFN22K HaloTag® CMVd1 Flexi® Vector pFN23A HaloTag® CMVd2 Flexi® Vector pFN23K HaloTag® CMVd2 Flexi® Vector pFN24A HaloTag® CMVd3 Flexi® Vector pFN24K HaloTag® CMVd3 Flexi® Vector Available Separately HaloTag® Cloning Starter System HaloTag® Flexi® Vectors—CMV Deletion Series Sample Pack For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures. Description: The HaloTag® vectors are designed for expression of C-terminal or N-terminal-tagged HaloTag® fusion proteins in mammalian cells. Once expressed, the HaloTag® fusion protein may be used for imaging of protein localization or trafficking in conjunction with the fluorescent HaloTag® Ligands. In addition, the HaloTag® fusion protein can be purified or pulled down as a complex with its protein partners. We offer two types of HaloTag® fusion vectors to accommodate your cloning preferences: • pHT Vector Series: Simple Multiple Cloning Site (MCS) plasmids for traditional cloning. • pF Vector Series: Flexi® Vector Cloning System---a directional cloning method for protein-coding sequences. It is based on two rare-cutting restriction enzymes, SgfI and PmeI, and provides a rapid, efficient and highfidelity way to transfer protein-coding regions between a variety of Flexi® Vectors without the need to resequence. Note: Flexi® Vectors (pF series) contain the lethal barnase gene to reduce background colonies without inserts during the subcloning procedure. Using the Flexi® Vector Cloning System replaces the barnase gene with your insert. These vectors, as purchased, cannot be cultured in normal laboratory strains of E. coli without an insert. Features: • Versatility: You can choose between a variety of initial applications (e.g., bacterial protein, mammalian, or cell-free protein expression) and then transfer to others as required. • Time Savings: Efficient transfer allows for direct use of recombinant clones, minimizing time wasted screening background colonies. • Enhanced Productivity: Adaptable to high-throughput formats for large screening projects. • Easy Access: No licensing fees or complicated transfer restrictions. Storage Conditions: Store vectors at –20°C. Size Cat.# Price (Fr) 20 µg G7721 Pls. Enq. 20 µg G8441 Pls. Enq. 20 µg G8451 Pls. Enq. 20 µg G2821 399.00 20 µg G2831 399.00 20 µg G2841 399.00 20 µg G2851 399.00 20 µg G2861 399.00 20 µg G2871 399.00 20 µg G2881 399.00 20 µg G2981 399.00 1 each G6050 648.00 9 × 2 µg G3780 386.00 Relative Mammalian Protein Expression Levels for HaloTag® Flexi® Vector Name pFC14A HaloTag® Vector Flexi® pFC14K HaloTag® Flexi® Vector Flexi® Flexi® Flexi® Flexi® pFC15A HaloTag® Vector pFC16A HaloTag® Vector pFC16K HaloTag® Vector Vector Vector Vector Vector Vector Vector Vector Vector Vector Vector Vector Vector Vector Vector pFC17K HaloTag® Flexi® pFN21A HaloTag® Flexi® pFN21K HaloTag® Flexi® pFN22A HaloTag® Flexi® pFN22K HaloTag® Flexi® pFN23A HaloTag® Flexi® pFN23K HaloTag® Flexi® pFN24A HaloTag® Flexi® CMV CMV CMVd1 pFC15K HaloTag® CMVd1 Vector CMVd2 CMVd2 pFC17A HaloTag® CMVd3 Flexi® CMVd3 CMV CMV CMVd1 CMVd1 CMVd2 CMVd2 CMVd3 pFN24K HaloTag® CMVd3 Flexi® pFC27A HaloTag® Flexi® pFC27K HaloTag® Flexi® pFN28A HaloTag® Flexi® pFN27K HaloTag® Flexi® CMV-neo CMV-neo CMV-neo CMV-neo Vectors. Cat.# G9651 G9661 G1611 G1601 G1591 G1571 G1551 G1321 G2821 G2831 G2841 G2851 G2861 G2871 G2881 G2981 G8421 G8431 G8441 G8451 Expression Level* High High Medium Medium Low Low Ultra-Low Ultra-Low High High Medium Medium Low Low Ultra-Low Ultra-Low High1 High2 High1 High2 9161LA 1 This vector confers ampicillin resistance for Flexi® cloning, and the neomycin (G418) selection cassette afFords antibiotic selection of stable cell lines expressing the HaloTag® fusion protein. 2 This vector confers kanamycin resistance for Flexi® cloning, and the neomycin (G418) selection cassette afFords antibiotic selection of stable cell lines expressing the HaloTag® fusion protein. *Expression level depends on the cell type and the protein fused to HaloTag® protein. 238 For complete and up-to-date product information visit: Pagina 241

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