Science Catalog 2012 Life Cell Signaling Routine PCR GoTaq® Amplification Family Product GoTaq® Flexi DNA Polymerase Size Conc. Cat.# Price (Fr) 100 u 5 u/µl M8301 62.00 500 u 5 u/µl M8305 225.00 2,500 u 5 u/µl M8306 1013.00 5,000 u 5 u/µl M8307 1925.00 10,000 u 5 u/µl M8308 3658.00 GoTaq® DNA Polymerase GoTaq® Green Master Mix GoTaq® Colorless Master Mix 100 reactions 1,000 reactions 100 reactions 1,000 reactions 100 u 5 u/µl M3171 62.00 500 u 5 u/µl M3175 225.00 2,500 u 5 u/µl M3178 1013.00 M7112 156.00 M7113 1170.00 M7142 156.00 M7143 1170.00 For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures. Description: Experience improved PCR performance with GoTaq® DNA Polymerase products. GoTaq® DNA Polymerase is a proprietary formulation of Taq DNA polymerase that gives robust amplification equal to and in some cases superior to that of standard Taq DNA polymerase. GoTaq® DNA Polymerase comes in a variety of formulations designed to give you maximum flexibility, control and convenience. GoTaq® Flexi DNA Polymerase allows you to optimize enzyme and magnesium concentration in your PCR. The supplied 5X Green and Colorless Flexi Reaction Buffers do not contain magnesium. A separate tube of 25mM MgCl2 is supplied, giving you maximum control over your reaction conditions. MgCl2 is also available separately. GoTaq® DNA Polymerase provides improved amplification with the convenience of reaction buffers containing magnesium. The 5X GoTaq® Green and Colorless Reaction Buffers supplied with GoTaq® DNA Polymerase contain MgCl2 at a concentration of 7.5mM, giving a final concentration of 1.5mM in the 1X reaction. The 5X Green and 5X Colorless Reaction Buffers supplied with GoTaq® enzymes allow you to go directly from thermal cycler to gel analysis. These buffers contain a compound that increases sample density, so that samples sink easily into the wells of an agarose gel. The green buffer also contains two dyes (yellow and blue) that separate to allow easy monitoring during electrophoresis. The blue dye comigrates at the same rate as 3–5kb DNA fragments in a 1% agarose gel, and the yellow dye migrates ahead of primers. For ultimate convenience, choose GoTaq® Colorless Master Mix or GoTaq® Green Master Mix. Both are premixed, ready-to-use 2X solutions containing GoTaq® DNA Polymerase, dNTPs, MgCl2 and reaction buffers at optimal concentrations for efficient amplification of DNA templates by PCR. GoTaq® Green Master Mix also includes two dyes (blue and yellow) that allow monitoring of progress during electrophoresis. GoTaq® Colorless Master Mix has the same formulation as the GoTaq® Green Master Mix but does not include the dyes. Both also include Nuclease-Free Water. Reactions assembled with GoTaq® Master Mixes have sufficient density for direct loading onto agarose gels. Features: • Improve Performance: Experience better PCR performance with this new buffer and enzyme formulation. With GoTaq® Flexi, you also have the option to titrate Mg2+ concentration in your reactions. • Improve Productivity: Go directly from PCR to gel analysis. Green GoTaq® Reaction Buffer serves as both reaction buffer and gel-loading solution. • Keep Your Cycling Conditions: Directly substitute GoTaq® products, with either Colorless or Green Reaction Buffer, in your current PCR application—no need to change cycling parameters. • Use With PCR Enhancers: GoTaq® DNA Polymerase is compatible with PCR enhancers such as betaine and DMSO. Neither compound affects the color or characteristics of the GoTaq® Green Reaction Buffer. • Fast and Convenient: GoTaq® Green Master Mix offers the ultimate in convenience. Reactions can be set up in less than a minute; simply add your template, water and primers and go! 208 For complete and up-to-date product information visit: Storage Conditions: Store enzymes at –20°C. GoTaq® Green Master Mix can be stored at 4°C for 6 weeks. Protocol GoTaq® Flexi DNA Polymerase Protocol GoTaq® DNA Polymerase Product Information GoTaq® Green Master Mix Protocol GoTaq® Colorless Master Mix Protocol copies M G N T A 103 G N T AG N T A 102 101 Part# 9PIM830 9PIM317 9PIM711 9PIM714 1.2kb– GoTaq® Green Master Mix outperforms standard Taq DNA Polymerase. Amplification of a 1.2kb fragment of the α-1-antitrypsin gene from indicated copies of Human Genomic DNA (Cat.# G3041). Lanes G, GoTaq® Green Master Mix; Lanes N, competitor N; Lanes T, competitor T; Lanes A, competitor A; and Lane M, BenchTop 1kb DNA Ladder (Cat.# G7541). GoTaq® Reaction Buffers and Magnesium Chloride Product 5X Green GoTaq® Reaction Buffer 5X Colorless GoTaq® Reaction Buffer 20 ml 20 ml 5X Colorless GoTaq® Flexi Reaction Buffer 20 ml 5X Green GoTaq® Flexi Reaction Buffer Magnesium Chloride Solution 20 ml For Laboratory Use. Description: The 5X Green GoTaq® Reaction Buffer contains two dyes (a blue dye and a yellow dye) that separate during electrophoresis to show migration progress. The buffer also contains a compound that increases sample density. This means that samples can be loaded directly onto gels without the need for loading dye. The blue dye migrates at the same rate as a 3–5kb DNA fragment in a 1% agarose gel. The yellow dye migrates at a rate faster than primers (<50bp) in a 1% agarose gel. The 5X Colorless GoTaq® Reaction Buffer has the same formulation as the 5X Green GoTaq® Reaction Buffer but does not contain dyes and is recommended for any applications where absorbance or fluorescence measurements are necessary prior to PCR cleanup. Both buffers are supplied at pH 8.5. Cat.# M7911 and M7921 contain MgCl2 at a concentration of 7.5mM, giving a final concentration of 1.5mM in the 1X reaction. Cat.# M8901 and M8911 do not contain magnesium. Storage Conditions: Store at –20°C. Size Conc. Cat.# Price (Fr) M7911 68.00 M7921 68.00 M8901 68.00 M8911 68.00 1.5 ml 25 mM A3511 60.00 25 ml 25 mM A3513 80.00 4953TE Pagina 211
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